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    CSI NY (Crime Scene Investigation New York) is an American police procedural television series that ran on CBS from September 22, 2004 to February 22, 2013, for a total of nine seasons and 197 original episodes. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers identified as Crime Scene Investigators (instead of the actual title of Crime Scene Unit Forensic Technicians (CSU)) as they unveil the circumstances behind mysterious and unusual deaths, as well as other crimes. The series is an indirect spin-off from the veteran series CSI Crime Scene Investigation and a direct spin-off from CSI Miami, during an episode in which several of the CSI NY characters made their first appearances. It is the third series in the CSI franchise.
    Wizards Of Waverly Place是Disney Channel现在热播的儿童剧集,主要面对儿童观众。台译:少年魔法师。该剧将魔法引入美国家庭日常生活,相比哈利波特这个剧更加幽默并且更具都市感。剧中的卢梭一家是做快餐生意的,因为爸爸出自巫师家庭,所以孩子们从正常学校放学后会在家里和他学习魔法。里面当然也有很多好玩的咒语和道具。每一个巫师家庭的孩子都要通过魔法测验来决定谁能够永久的拥有魔力。所以Alex,Justin,还有Max谁将会是家里最厉害的那个巫师呢?所有的故事都在校园,家庭,魔法中展开,有趣的情节设置,校园文化,朋友间的友情,手足间的亲情,还有父母的教育理念,也非常适合喜欢美式口语的朋友们看。  PS少年魔法师的第二季获得了第六十一届艾米奖的杰出儿童剧(outstanding chirlden show)奖。这次被提名的还有孟汉娜(Hannah Montana)和网络小主播(iCarly)。  观看:大家可以去优酷的httpwww.youku.complaylist_showid_3641837.html观看,第二季全集无字幕都有(同时也有其它几季的无字幕观看)。也可去httpwww.tudou.complaylistid6886789.html观看walter的预览字幕。  另附第二季的首播表:  第二季  第1集 08912 Smarty Pants  第2集 08921 Beware Wolf  第3集 08105 Graphic Novel  第4集 081012 Racing  第5集 081019 Alex's Brother, Maximan  第6集 081026 Saving WizTech Part 1  第7集 081026 Saving WizTech Part 2  第8集 081123 Harper Knows  第9集 08127 Taxi Dance  第10集 081214 Baby Cupid  第11集 081231 0911左右 Make It Happen  第12集 09125 Fairy Tale  第13集 09215 Fashion Week  第14集 09216 Helping Hand  第15集 0931 Art Teacher  第16集 09315 Future Harper  第17集 0945 Alex Does Good  第18集 09412 Hugh's Not Normous  第19集 09419 Don't Rain On Justin's Parade - Earth  第20集 09426 Family Game Night  第21集 0952 Justin's New Girlfriend  第22集 09529 My Tutor, Tutor  第23集 09626 Paint By Committee  第24集 09710 Wizard For a Day  第25集 09717 Cast-Away (To Another Show)  第26集 09724 Wizards vs. Vampires on Waverly Place  第27集 09731 Wizards vs. Vampires Tasty Bites  第28集 0987 Wizards vs. Vampires Dream Date  第29集 0988 Wizards Vampires vs. Zombies  第30集 09821 Retest
    Season 3 of Bosch: Legacy is based on Michael Connelly’s best-selling novels Desert Star (2022) and The Black Ice (1993). The murder investigation of Kurt Dockweiler brings dangerous secrets to light and threatens to ruin the lives of our three principal characters. The disappearance of a family haunts Harry Bosch and forces him to confront the limits of justice. In a hotly contested race, Honey “Money” Chandler is poised to become the next District Attorney of Los Angeles. And Maddie Bosch gets entangled in a series of violent follow-home robberies.
    CSI New York, the third incarnation of the CSI Crime Scene Investigation franchise, is a crime drama about forensic investigators who use high-tech science to follow the evidence and solve crimes in The Big Apple. Detective Mack Mac Taylor is a dedicated and driven crime scene investigator who believes that everything is connected and for everyone there is a story. He and his partner, Detective Stella Bonasera, a workaholic and a jack-of-all-trades, share a passion for the job. They lead a team of experts amid the gritty and kinetic city that never sleeps. Their team includes Danny Messer, a Brooklyn-born investigator with rugged good looks, an unflappable spirit and a colorful family history, and Dr. Sheldon Hawkes, a reclusive coroner who walked away from a promising surgical career after the traumatic loss of two patients. Joining them is homicide Detective Don Flack, an edgy, hardcore investigator with a quick wit, impressive forensic insight and limited patience with potential suspects. Rounding out the team is Aiden Burn, a smart and sexy investigator whose chameleon-like behavior allows her to adapt to any situation at any time. These skilled investigators, who see New York City in a whole different light, follow the evidence as they piece together clues and eliminate doubt to ultimately crack their cases.
    随着第四季最后一个画面落幕,CSI NY的观众们开始咬牙切齿的期待第五季。Mac被抓为人质,生死未卜;银行劫案真相未明,迷雾重重。  然后,然后,21秒的官方PROMO放出,咬牙切齿的观众在看过模糊不清、线索繁多的预告片后……牙都咬碎了……  现在,你我和TA们的等待已经结束,CSI 纽约篇,第五季,带来的不仅是解“惑”解“馋”的45分钟,而是将在未来的八个月时间里,每周都带来更新的冲击!在本季里,这个CSI三兄弟中最年轻,却也是发展最快的“纽约篇”将播出第100集,即本季第8集,在这集中,不但会有个把明星客串,还会通过一个连环杀手的眼睛,找寻纽约城所有的Mac Taylor。(一只兔子跳出来,站在纽约市街头大喊“Mac Taylor”,只见N多人回头,其中就有我们的警探。——某糕帮某兔子YY,请54……水喷到屏幕上的请擦乾……)  在本季里,Flack的妹妹将闪亮登场,“她是个坏女孩,非常年轻,非常漂亮,非常纽约,非常能惹麻烦。”  在本季里,Danny和Lindsay将继续纠纠缠缠,“Danny的身上会发生很多事,与Lindsay无关的事。但Lindsay依然与他的故事常有交集,与此同时,Lindsay将与别人相遇……”  在本季里,Mac与Stella将继续是大家长,他们也将展开各自的故事——“他们两个人都会有自己的爱情。这次,Stella相遇的对象,终于不再是个神经病了,这将会是一段非常认真的感情。“(起码现在编剧还这么打算)  在本季里,……  其实,美国,纽约,CSI,Mac Taylor和Stella Bonasera,第五季,吸引你回来还需要更多的理由吗?