纽约警察和检察官的故事,跨越15个春秋,1990年首播,至今仍受到亿万观众瞩目的长剧。 law
order第55届艾美奖最大的遗憾,已连续11年入围剧情类最佳电视剧奖提名的这部热门电视剧,这次却意外地未被提名,粉碎了它原本想要缔造的12次提名新高。 本片融警匪与法庭于一体的电视剧,片中讲述的犯罪基本原于真实生活,往往是近期报纸上的头条新闻。节目分为两部分,上半部分介绍警察研究现场,征询证人,提审嫌疑犯等一系列的侦破活动,后半部分详尽记录了案件侦破的后期工作,案件转交到检查官手里,检查官衡量案情,起诉,直到庭审,节奏紧凑,扣人心弦。由于最终坏人不一定被绳之于法,所以观众看的时候往往暗自捏一把汗。 这个剧集除了已经播出的15季之外,还包括3个特别的系列,一个是 Special Victims Unit 系列(6季),一个是Criminal Intent 系列(4季),和Trial By Jury 系列。可见其火爆程度。堪称NBC历史上,乃至美国影史上最宏伟的剧集。 In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are there stories.
Order franchise(包括spin-off的SVU)都兼有探员的办案过程跟检察官在法庭上的滔滔雄辩,这二者相互分庭抗礼成为Law
Order奠定其cop drama之教父地位的独特魅力,但是近来每回看Law
Order更不只是关在摄影棚里编造天马行空的离奇案件,它每回总是不犹疑地定睛盯上社会中的敏感命题。 Law
Order 和L
O SVU一样,是Law
Order家族的老大,Wolf Dick的作品。个人觉得它有点像一个drama版的今日说法,当然Law
Order的最大卖点是它的order部分。看order部分对美国criminal law和criminal procedure law有很大的了解。@www.dy533.com
被残忍杀害的年轻女子、被虐的婴儿、被近亲性侵害的女童、家暴阴影下手足无措的妇女、失调扭曲的家庭关系、很想用心但每每力有未迨的父母、杵在社会家庭人际边缘人性的灰色地带。SVU每回总是触动那块让人无从防备的柔软地带,可爱的孩童,无辜的弱势个体(受性侵害者、同性恋、精神病患),每个人都多少有些经验感触的亲子、家庭关系。不见得得是多复杂的剧情,像今天,忙於工作单亲母亲剧烈摇晃死自己的一岁多幼女(shake syndrome),幼小无辜的女孩在母亲一时的暴怒下被辗压击碎,但另一方面你多了解那种拉扯在工作亲子关系中的心力交瘁,可爱时像天使哭闹起来却像恶魔一样让你抓狂的孩子,要怎么以审判指控那、为了不舍得看到无恢复希望的孩子继续受到病痛折磨而毅然决定停止呼吸器,哪怕这将使自己已因杀罪被起诉的母亲?是以就算这是再滥情的一种搬演、操控,每每总还是让观众溃不成军.. Law
Order Special Victims Unit 对于一部procedural drama来说情节及其设置是成功的关键,L
O SVU在这方面是相当不错的,同是它也继续着L
O系列的传统:对各个主角的私生活几乎不接触。这样的好处就是可以使观众随时看任意一集而不必担心情节不连续;坏处就是观众群不断更换。Easier to attach, easier to detach. L
O SVU最大的卖点是sex crime。
Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future: something to win and something to lose - Diana.
This City is Ours is the story of Michael and Diana's love affair, set against the disintegration of Michael’s crime gang. For years, together with Ronnie, Michael has successfully been bringing cocaine into the City and beyond, directly from Columbia; but when a shipment goes missing, he knows their Kingdom is under attack.
This City is Ours explores what happens when Ronnie’s son Jamie decides he wants to inherit their kingdom and that there is no longer a place for Michael at the table. Both Michael and Jamie have bold ideas to modernise the gang and they will battle for control of it. But Michael’s biggest battle will be to save the woman he loves and the child he has always wanted.
This is a story about family, and love destroyed and corrupted by ambition, pride and greed. It’s a story about power: what we will do to secure and keep it.