New Zealand–born groundbreaking CNN camerawoman Margaret Moth risks it all to show the reality of war from inside the conflict, staring down danger and confronting those who perpetuate it.
Record books describe the honey badger as the most fearless animal on the planet; although barely a foot tall, they have a reputation for attacking just about anything - from venomous snakes to full-grown lions.
In South Africa, an eager scientist, a tenacious beekeeper and a patient conservationist all have a soft spot for these so called 'bad boys' of the animal kingdom, and ...
Les mollusques qui ont en commun l'absence de squelette, n’évoquent rien de spécialement attirant. On les imagine flasques, plut?t inertes et peu réactifs. Or, les mollusques cachent bien leur jeu. Habitat, déplacement, nourriture, mode de reproduction : tout est possible. Chacun a inventé sa propre vie avec originalité. Ils surprennent par les couleurs utilisées. Quant à leurs...
In 1930, Germany was awarded the privilege of hosting the 1936 Olympic Games. However, that gesture to bring Germany back into the world community became problematic when the Nazis took over the nation in 1933, both domestically and internationally. However, a reticent Hitler was persuaded to let the event proceed for his own purposes even as the international sporting world wr...
О фильме: Ловля рыбы - одно из древнейших занятий человека. Как и тысячи лет назад рыбак зависит от стихии: сегодня улов есть, а завтра его может не быть. Меняются суда, оснащение, масштаб улова, но эта суровая работа по-прежнему остается очень опасной и исключительно мужской, она требует смелости, физических сил, смекалки, а иногда и просто везения. Герои сериала - сильные дух...